Superintendent’s Update

Posted On Friday December 06, 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers:

December stories focus on the core value of Well-being (emotional, psychological, physical, environmental) and the Grandfather Teaching of Wisdom in our 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan. As schools are preparing for winter concerts, there is a sense of celebration and anticipation of the winter break. Thank you for everything you do to help further students' learning and enjoyment of the season.

Rayleigh Elementary School – November 28, 2024

Principal Conroy and Ms. Gauley shared how they have launched a survey for parents, staff, and students to learn firsthand what is going well and what could improve in their school. This experience of reaching out to learn from diverse perspectives on their school programming and activities has been an enriching experience. Principal Conroy said, “We enjoy seeing ideas that are shared, and it is always good to learn what we can improve upon as a school.”

Principal Conroy also highlighted how “Roots of Empathy” was restarted this year thanks to community volunteer facilitators stepping forward and is supported by Mrs. Stewart (Kindergarten) and Ms. Gauley’s Grade 6-7 class. Every Tuesday, facilitators come to the school to share ways to care for a baby. Mr. Conroy shared pictures of the babies who are key to the success of this special caregiving program.

We visited Ms. Rempel’s Grade 2-3 class, and they were reading their first novels and studying elements such as characters, setting, and plot while also focusing on their fluency. They engaged in what was “popcorn” reading.

Mrs. Stewart’s Kindergarten class was playing BINGO where children had to listen and identify numbers and stand up when they had a row correct. It was very exciting to hear the enthusiastic “BINGOs”.

Next, we met with Library Assistant, Ms. Parenteau, who shared some of the exciting work that is happening in the Library.  “We have lunch time in the library on colder days, where students can bring a book and read.” It has been very successful, and they have expanded it to “Bring a book and a friend”. Ms. Parenteau shared, “The other day, a student thanked me for this opportunity because some students really need different outlets in addition to going outside.” After this, we connected with Ms. Cavlek who was working with a student to deliver milk and yogurt to classes as part of their snack program.

Ms. MacBurney’s Grade 4 students were reading “Once Upon a Sari” and sharing connections (text-text, text-self, text-world). They were also writing about what they most enjoyed about this time of year.

Mr. Conroy introduced me to Carol, a longtime community volunteer in the school who happily showed me how she loves to decorate bulletin boards with student artwork.

Finally, Ms. Hendry’s Grade 4-5 students were writing about baking, especially their favourite Christmas cookies.

Juniper Ridge Elementary School – December 3, 2024

Principal Steptoe and I first enjoyed a presentation in the hallways by Ms. Waters about the “9 Days of Giving” for the local food bank. Ms. Waters and her students engage Ms. Mulholland’s Kindergarten class in collecting food, weighing it, communicating how much was collected, and sorting it to make it easier to take to the Food Bank. There will be a pizza party prize for the class that collects the most food.

Ms. Klassen’s Grade 3 class participated in a numbers game that was focused on practicing understanding of operations. Ms. Pagnotta’s Grade 3 students were “skip counting” and supporting each other to check their work. Ms. Card’s Grade 2 class was involved in one-on-one word work. Ms. Sears’ Grade 2s were practicing individual sounds and blends and sharing them out loud.

We met with Kim and Sarah, volunteers who have been preparing meals for all students on “Tasty Tuesdays”. They shared information about the meals program that includes pastas, chili, or mac and cheese, and always provides an assortment of fruits and veggies.  Students bring their own containers, and they explained, “Some students who forget their containers will use their own ‘just-finished’ containers of food.” It is only their third week, and when Ms. Steptoe and I entered one class, a student commented on how they could hardly wait to see what was for lunch. This meal program was made possible by the expansion of their kitchen and funds for food provided by the Feeding Futures funding.

Ms. Champness’ Kindergarten class told me about their “Elf on a Shelf” who does some unpredictable things like messing up their classroom. They also shared their understanding of certain sounds like “ch” for “chop, chop”. Ms. Champness increased the difficulty by saying “If I take away ‘m’ from man and add ‘v’, we get…and the class said ‘van’”.

Ms. Beck’s Grade 2-3 class was engaged in journal writing and then they shared parts of their journal with the class on their carpet. After students read aloud a part of their journal, others provided positive feedback such as, “I noticed… that you had a lot of details like the description of the elf.”

Ms. Laura’s Grade 5-6 class was preparing for a play, “The Gingerbread Dude”, and they were working in small groups and each student was taking on certain parts.

Ms. Colclough’s Grade 5 Math class was finishing their counting and some students had free time to draw or read. A student, Serenity, chose to give Ms. Steptoe an award for “being the best principal!”

Universal Human Rights Month – December

Universal Human Rights Month is honoured every December as a way to recognize the importance of basic human rights for everyone. In the decades since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, human rights have become recognised across the globe. Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10, 2024, and this year’s theme is “Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now.” Read more about Human Rights Day and this year’s theme here.

Sníne Elementary Community Engagement

With the District’s newest school, Sníne Elementary, currently being built and anticipated to be opened in the Fall 2026, we are engaging with school communities who would be sending students to the new school. We’ve enjoyed connecting with Sa-Hali Secondary, Aberdeen Elementary, McGowan Park Elementary, Dufferin Elementary, South Kamloops Secondary, and Summit Elementary staff and parents, and held a webinar on December 4, 2024. To see the maps of the proposed catchment change, and the webinar presentation (PDF, video), please go here.

It is a busy time in school and out of school with family and friends. I hope that you take some time to get outside and enjoy what you love most to do.

Rhonda Nixon, PhD

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